1. Apply
Apply online in minutes (you’ll need to be over 18, a permanent Australian resident and earning over $25,000 full time).
2. Accept
Upon approval, you’ll receive an SMS with important information about your humm90 account and a 4 digit code to accept.
3. Authorise
Contact Task Industries to discuss the next steps. To authorise your purchase, you’ll need to enter the second 4 digit code SMSed to you.
4. Enjoy
Enjoy your purchase! You’ll receive a welcome pack with your card within 10 days and monthly statements showing the minimum payment and due date.
Why humm90?
Interest Free* Available through humm90 Master Card
No Deposit Needed
Repay extra any time, with no early payout fees
Ease your cashflow to get what you really want
*Approved applicants only. Fees, terms, conditions apply (24 months interest free minimum finance amount $800 apply, 12 months interest free minimum finance amount $400 apply), incl. $99 Annual Fee charged at the time the first debit is charged to your humm90 Mastercard Account and annually on the anniversary of that date. When you have met the Interest Free Criteria, the Annual Fee must be paid in full within the Interest Free Period or it will attract interest. If you do not meet the Interest Free Criteria the Annual Fee will attract interest from the date the Annual Fee is debited to your humm90 Mastercard Account. Minimum monthly repayment required. Interest (charged at the Expired Promotional Rate) payable on outstanding balances after any Interest Free Period in relation to a Promotional Offer.
See for current interest rates. Only available at humm90 Mastercard retail partners. Credit provided by humm Cards Australia Pty Ltd ABN 31 099 651 877 Australian Credit Licence number 247415. ^†o Conditions apply ask in-store for details.